According to action plan of February 2020, NSDO recruited two STEs to carry out the activity in Kunduz center, Ali Abad and Imam Sahib District of Kunduz province. The STEs worked on to develop the manual and curriculum for the wheat demo-plots for farmers and seed companies and consider the improved elements of wheat in the manual. NSDO associated the activity with the seed companies, engaged with SEDEP in Kunduz province and as well obtained the list of 200 target beneficiaries/ wheat farmers. NSDO with close cooperation of seed companies, selected sites for establishing demo-plots for local improved seed varieties for wheat seed production through FFS method from Kunduz center, Ali Abad and Imam Sahib Districts of Kunduz province. Initially, NSDO trained the farmers who were particularly interested in promoting improved seed germination and raising the quality of wheat crops, including: wheat growth, stem elongation, detection of quality seeds, benefits of using local improved seeds, wheat seed cleansing, germination, seeds trading and blackcurrant seed, minimum quality criteria wheat seed, selection of varieties for different land types, seeds cultivation time, Seedling wastes, period of cultivation of wheat in Kunduz province, using of fertilizers, amount of spawning, experience with proper spawning, appropriate depth of wheat seed, benefits superficial seeding, irrigation and its timing, benefits of irrigation, weed management, easy solutions to prevent weeds, varieties of herbicides and uses, disease control, diagnosis of wheat diseases, blackbirds and etc. The STEs for presenting these topics used practical and theoretical methods for better understanding and enhancing the knowledge of farmers in this matter. Furthermore, NSDO supported and delivered the trainings to farmers based on the seasonal calendar (focused on IPM, PHM, and improved cultivation practices).


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