Humanitarian Sector:

Strategic Agreement for Distribution of Non-Food Items (NFIs)

NSDO is implementing the strategic agreement with the support of Save the Children International since October 2019 aimed at building a mutual synergy for the implementation of emergency preparedness and response and addressing the needs of children and affected populations in Kunduz, Takhar and Badakhshan provinces who had been internally displaced as a result of factional wars, insurgency and natural disasters. The NFI package containing 10 items including kitchen kits, household kits, blanket, baby blanket, patoos for men, patoos for women, socks for children, shoes for children, child clothing and pampers for two-years old children which are distributing to the affected and displaced people.

COVID Responses to Value Chain partners

NSDO as part of Sustainable Economic Development and Employment Promotion (SEDEP) program, implemented the small grant of COVID response to Value Chain partners with the financial support of GIZ in Kunduz at aimed to given the suddenness and heavy impact of COVID-19 crisis, it was very important to rapidly identify the appropriate means to connect with and support the value chain partners.  In light of this crisis, the business support of SEDEP to the partners also changed. We typically worked with entrepreneurs to develop sustainable, long-term growth strategies. However, in this time of crisis the focused must shift to surviving the lean times or finding new market opportunities. NSDO provided support to enable good decision-making and strengthen the ability of the business owners to analyses costs and benefits. NSDO distributed production and processing equipment and conducted various capacity building programs to the value chain partners and target actors to sustain their businesses during the COVID-19 era and crisis in Kunduz. This could mean the businesses and production profitable.

General Food Distribution

NSDO as cooperating partner of WFP, is implementing the food distribution project in Takhar and Badakhshan provinces since February 2020. The overarching goal of the proposed project is to protect the livelihoods of vulnerable communities residing in Khash, Tagab and Tishkan Districts of Badakhshan and Bangi and Warsaj districts of Takhar provinces and the immediate objectives are to: 1) To improve the food security, nutrition and livelihoods of the most vulnerable people, 2) create awareness on COVID-19, personal hygiene among vulnerable populations by raising awareness and distributing hygiene kits (mask and gloves, 3) To nutrition-sensitive, unconditional seasonal (winterization) support to severely vulnerable, food-insecure households in targeted districts to prevent further deterioration of their food security and 4) Avoid or minimize the needs for targeted households to resort to negative coping strategies during the winter months and through until the next wheat harvest. NSDO distributes food (wheat flour, vegetable oil, pulses and salt) to total number of 10,679 households by the end of 2021 in the target provinces.


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