Executive Director’s Message

Afghanistan is descended into multiple crises ranging from the post Covid-19 impacts and the severe economic downturns triggered by political shift and climate change. Adverse climatic events and emergencies escalated and continue to elevate poverty and vulnerabilities. This assorted situation depended on disparities and pushed millions of people into extreme poverty.

Many factors have their part to bring the country on this brink — some of them are political or natural, while others are entirely caused by human choices. But a collective wisdom and human actions can revert them. Preparations of the COVID-19 vaccines so swiftly are eye-opening evidence that a firm determination by human beings can even solve the most complex challenges.

In our 12 years journey, our result framework showed encouraging outcomes, we have delivered half a million of people across the country through integrated and holistic projects — raising voices against inequalities, improving livelihoods, supporting the growth of stronger, fairer economies, demanding accountability and humanitarian actions for thousands of vulnerable people in need. We have met transformative changes by engaging the boundary partners in the decision-making and empowerment actions.

The year 2022 is confronting complex socio-economic and political challenges, the wake of COVID-19 and the recent political shift have led a foundation for NSDO to respond wisely and logically to the situation buffeted by these mixed factors. NSDO is working hard to deliver on the promises made, despite the difficulties faced at multiple fronts.

Our new logic model has molded up into a more agile, efficient and innovative mode to unravel grim and compound development issues facing our partner communities. Our new strategic plan has evolved by deeply observing and analyzing the complex situation and shaping action to deal with the issue as much as we can.

NSDO’s ability to help people and communities achieve the quality of life free from inequalities, insecurities and deprivation has been well tested in the past 12 years. Poverty is on the rise more than ever as a result of COVID-19 and recent shifts. Inequalities are severe. To bend the multiple twists of the epidemic and continue a systematic push toward poverty reduction and greater equity, communities need integrated and innovative projects that address the root causes of poverty and inequality.

NSDO, as part of the development community, needs to help ensure that the people in Afghanistan are in a transitions to a recovery from the;

• Recent economic recessions

• COVID -19 impacts and

• Climate change affects

NSDO is working with the local, international development partners, UN agencies and networkers and other partners on the ground to help the marginalized and vulnerable communities across Afghanistan.

Sayed Ismail Hashimi

Executive Director


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