During the course of April 2020, NSDO recruited 4 STEs in Imam Sahib, Ali Abad, Qala-e-Zal districts and Kunduz center in terms of implementing the activity of improve quality management of products through FFs methods. At the initial stage, the STEs reviewed the existing manuals and included new advanced elements and submitted to NSDO. NSDO received list of target actors/ farmers from Kunduz Orchard Social Association to enhance their knowledge on quality management of products through FFS methods in their respective villages and districts.
To avoid COVID-19 spreading, NSDO distributed masks, gloves as well as observed social distancing and protective measures for the target actors to maintain safe and healthy. In addition, NSDO composed each team containing maximum 5 target actors in each class and group.
NSDO conducted the trainings around the GAPs covering pre-harvest, (incl. pruning, winter oil application during dormant season, IPM), harvest and post-harvest (incl. improved marketing + linkage) for 100 orchard owners of Kunduz Center, Ali Abad, Imam Sahib and Qala-e-Zal districts of Kunduz province. In the light of enhancing the farmers knowledge, NSDO conducted the practical and theory sessions in the aforesaid districts of Kunduz province. Each training was designed for 4 days.